Knot.x 1.5.0 released!

Knot.x 1.5.0

Release Notes



  • PR-16 - Removed knotx-adapter-common dependency
  • PR-15 - Configure Knot.x Template Engine in BOM file
  • PR-12 - Configure Knot.x Forms in BOM file


  • PR-5 - Html Markup Assertion to test html body content


First release of the Knot.x Forms module that replaces Knot.x Action Knot (which is now deprecated and will be removed soon). Read more in the Upgrade notes section.



First release of the Knot.x Template Engine module that replaces Knot.x Handlebars Knot (which is now deprecated and will be removed soon). Read more in the Upgrade notes section.


  • PR-36 - Cleanup integration tests
  • PR-32 - Extract assembler and splitter EB addresses to globals.
  • PR-33 - Knot.x Template Engine introduced instead of HBS Knot
  • PR-35 - implementation of fallback handling - integration tests


  • PR-33 - Update cluster to use template engine, replace mocks with simple httpd-based images
  • PR-32 - Switched examples from handlebars knot to knotx template engine, example TE strategy implementation
  • PR-25 - Fixed multiple-forms example. Updated Forms Knot attributes.
  • PR-20 - Change acme-action-adapter-http to use knotx-forms
  • PR-35 - implementation of fallback handling in example project

Upgrade notes

Migration form Action Knot to Knot.x Forms

Knot.x (<= 1.4.0) used earlier Action Knot. Please follow step below in order to migrate your project from ActionKnot to Knotx Forms module.

Configuration file:

  1. In your main config application.conf, update modules section from:




    and define forms in the global section

    global {
     address {
       forms {
         knot = knotx.knot.forms
         example.adapter = knotx.forms.example.adapter.http

    Change included configuration name actionKnot.conf to forms.conf

Page templates:

  • Rename data attributes accordingly:

    • data-knotx-on- to data-knotx-forms-on-
    • data-knotx-action to data-knotx-forms-adapter-name
    • data-knotx-adapter-params to data-knotx-forms-adapter-params
  • In form snippet change action to form.

    For example:


    <script data-knotx-knots="form-1" type="text/knotx-snippet">
    {{#if action._result.validationErrors}}
    <p class="bg-danger">Email address does not exists</p>
    <p>Please provide your email address</p>
    <form data-knotx-action="step1"
      data-knotx-adapter-params='{"myKey":"myValue"}' method="post">
      <input type="email" name="email" value="{{#if action._result.validationError}} {{}} {{/if}}" />
      <input type="submit" value="Submit"/>


    <script data-knotx-knots="form-1" type="text/knotx-snippet">
    {{#if form._result.validationErrors}}
    <p class="bg-danger">Email address does not exists</p>
    <p>Please provide your email address</p>
    <form data-knotx-forms-adapter-name ="step1"
      data-knotx-forms-adapter-params='{"myKey":"myValue"}' method="post">
      <input type="email" name="email" value="{{#if form._result.validationError}} {{}} {{/if}}" />
      <input type="submit" value="Submit"/>

Custom adapter

Refactor your custom adapter to inherit io.knotx.proxy.AdapterProxy to io.knotx.forms.api.FormsAdapterProxy

Migration form Handlebars Knot to Knot.x Template Engine

Knot.x (<= 1.4.0) used HandlebarsKnot. Please follow step below in order to migrate your project from HandlebarsKnot to Template Engine module.

Handlebars is still the default Template Engine strategy in Knot.x. Thanks to moving into Template Engine module you may now easily create and configure your own Template Engine strategy and choose some snippets to be rendered by it. See the example project for more details.

Notice! You may still use old Handlebars Knot with Knot.x 1.5 if you want. However, remember that it is marked as @Deprecated and will be removed in the next major version.

Configuration file:

  1. In your main config application.conf, update modules section from:



  2. Define module address in the global section

    global {
     templateEngine.address = knotx.knot.te
  3. Replace all occurenes of the Handlebars Knot address in the Server routing defaultFlow from ${global.hbs.address} to ${global.templateEngine.address}.

  4. Instead including hbsKnot.conf change include to templateEngine.conf. You will find examples configuration files in the knotx-stack distribution.

Page templates:

  1. Update data-knotx-knots values from handlebars to te.

  2. Example helpers: string_equals and encode_uri that were embedded into Handlebars Knot are no longer available in the Template Engine. You may introduce them by defining handlebars extension as it is presented in the example project.